What our students are saying...

Matt Ryan is an excellent and insightful ashtanga teacher who has the amazing ability to make everyone in his studio feel special. In Matt’s classes I have felt truly supported and encouraged, and found myself able to do things that had always seemed impossible. Furthermore, Matt is an ethical and caring person who I am glad to call a friend.
Nina Menkes
I cannot recommend Matt Ryan yoga enough. I met Matt during a difficult time in my life both physically and mentally and as a complete yoga novice. I like to say his practice saved my life. He helped to heal my body post surgery and my mind helping me transition from a stressed anxious state to calm, composed and strong. I went from being a total beginner to a competent yogi in a very short period of time. Who knew I could be so flexible – not me! I still practice our exact routine weekly even though we now live 5000 miles apart! Five stars Matt ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Julie Neville
With Matt’s encouraging and attentive teaching style I was able to take my practice to the next level. He brings a cheerful nature to what can often be a much too serious practice. Matt’s adjustments are both gentle and strong, and he really has a sense of how to bring you deeper into each posture with ease. A true yoga teacher!
Chandler Dandridge
Matt is just an incredible teacher. From primary to third (where i just started), you feel safe in his hands because his adjustments are so precise – which surely must come from ages of teaching. Anyone would be lucky to learn from him and I know I feel fortunate to have done.
Henry Brown
Property Developer
One of my favorite things about Matt as a teacher is his ability to make his students feel comfortable, confident and content with their practice, no matter where they are in the Ashtanga method. He pushes without being demanding or insensitive to limitations, yet also understands when backing off is necessary. For me, personally, he has liberated me from feeling fear when approaching my challenging or “scary” poses. They are just poses. They are not yoga. I also love his sense of humor and the vibe he brings into the room.
Natalie Bennet
Matt Ryan is by far one of the very rare and best teachers of Ashtanga yoga I have seen and his experience, skill, technique, devotion along with that warm British flare of his , solidifies his commitment to his students! What makes Matt’s teachings so unique and impactful is his strong ability to help each student recognize their own inner teacher/guru. I am proud to have had the privilege of working with Matt Ryan in the last year and my own practice has come a long way in relatively short time with his help in the asanas of both Primary and Intermediate Series Ashtanga
Brian Hill
Yoga Teacher
Matt makes Yoga even more amazing!
Kenny Scharf
Matt is unlike any other yoga teachers I have had before. I know that’s quite a statement but it is meant. I think what really makes him different is he absolutely is grounded in the principles of yoga but he doesn’t flaunt it as an image- instead embracing authenticity and bad dad jokes. Many teachers I have gone to after practicing with them I would feel discouraged to try new postures or to want to physically advance my practice- leaving thinking it was somewhat shameful to have that desire. Matt was the opposite, always very encouraging and helpful in assisting me in progress while reminding me to be acceptant to where I am and not get lost in the stories. He is very knowledgeable and always willing to answer my nerd yoga questions outside of class which is really appreciated. Although he is the teacher and I am the student he’s constantly reminding me that most of the answers do lie within me and I’m so grateful for that even when I would prefer a black and white answer. Thanks Matt- truly and whole heartedly.
Megan Winberg
Yoga Therapist
Matt is a great Ashtanga teacher. He is much more than that and I know this because he has taught me before. I am 11 years old, my name is Tyler Benson and I have been doing Ashtanga for 5 years. I stopped for a while and then got back into it and went to practice with my mom. We would go on Sundays and it was our special thing.Now I used to not go as much. I used to go on weekends when my mom would. The reason I started going more often is because Matt taught on Sundays. That is what made it special. The first time I met him, my mom had never met him before either. I had no clue what he would be like. Well, he’s great. When I stepped into the Shala, Matt came to the door and gave me a fist-bump and asked me what my name is. So after my mom and I met him, we rolled out our mats and began.I personally do primary and I had only gotten half way done in the series. So I started to finish and do my closing poses, and I had a great practice. Little did I know that he was watching me a lot. He walked up to me and said something like,”do you want to move on and learn the next pose?” Of course I said yes and he taught me. In about 2 weeks I had finished primary. Every time I went home after yoga, my mom and I would talk about how our practices had increased since when we first practiced with him. When he had to move back to England, everyone was devastated, especially my mom and I.Remember when I said that he is much more than a great yoga teacher? Well he is also a father. A father who is loving, caring and kind. He will do anything for his little girl. He talks about her a lot and shows me videos of her and she is always smiling. That just goes to show how great he is. And it seems like it is not only his daughter that he is so kind to. He acts like I am his son. He is like a father to me. So all I am really saying here, is that he is an amazing, caring, loving, kind person who happens to also be very good at teaching Ashtanga yoga(and is very good at it himself).
Tyler Benson aged 11
School Kid
Matt Ryan came into my life about 6 years into my Ashtanga practice. Just a couple of months prior I had come back to my practice after taking a year and a half off for many different reasons. So, I had only been back for a short time and I wasn’t 100% back to where I had left off. There are things in yoga that you see others do and hope to one day be able to accomplish and for me there were a few things I just figured would never happen, either because I wasn’t strong enough or didn’t have the right body type.The first time I practiced with Matt, I was very nervous as I hadn’t practiced with a teacher in a while and the only teacher I HAD practiced with was one I knew well. He wasn’t only warm and welcoming, but he made me feel safe and comfortable and I left feeling like I had found “My Teacher”. I felt an immediate connection to his energy and non-dogmatic approach.Since that first day Matt has inspired me, encouraged me and guided me in such a way that my practice has grown exponentially. I am able to do those things I NEVER thought I could and have been able to let go of the fear of “what if”. Matt has given me confidence to believe in myself and trust in myself and what feels best to me within my practice. He is truly a gifted teacher, someone that has it coming from within from a deeper place and that shines through in his approach and perspective.I am forever thankful for having the opportunity to have had Matt as my teacher and my practice is forever changed because of him…. Thank you Matt
Jennifer Benson
Matt is truly a good person and gifted at what he does. He’s by far the hardest working man I’ve ever seen in a Mysore room. He gives all of himself no matter if it’s your first time with him, or you’re an old friend.Matt is a genuinely good Ashtanga teacher and truly humble. He is what I feel a teacher should be. He gives all he has, no matter who you are; and his decades of self-inquiry into movement and posture have given him a uniquely valuable insight into the practice.If you get the chance to work with Matt in person, count this as a blessing… Thank you Matt.
Matt Fry
I love being in Matt’s Mysore room. He brings humor and wisdom, and makes everyone feel special and cared for. The biggest thing I learned from Matt is that this is my practice, and there is nowhere else to be other than where I am at. A big deal for someone that tends to push beyond her limits! In beginning to practice again at home after an injury, this has helped and empowered me tremendously. I am grateful to have had you as my teacher in LA! Thank you.
Noa Cardelli
Matt is one of the best teachers I have ever been practicing with…… his attitude and true gentleness make him unique. an Ashtangi gentleman!
Paola Maugeri
Radio Presenter
I love working with Matt as my teacher because I love his no frills, no nonsense approach to teaching. It really lends to traction with space that allows room to deal with today’s life challenges through yoga. The way it’s was once and should always be. He is knowledgeable about anatomy and pushes you just enough but never too much and in all the right ways.
Raquel Tavares
Digital Content Creator
I had the pleasure of taking class under Matt Ryan when he taught in Los Angeles. I miss him a lot now that he went back to the UK. He is a great Ashtanga teacher. He has a great personality and is very fun in addition to being a great yogi. He is incredibly strong and I loved the way he could spot me and help push me into binds and poses I didn’t know I could achieve. You guys in England are certainly lucky to have such a master Ashtanga teacher there. Miss you bro.
Orien Richman
I found Matt amazing, frankly. So much so that I have been considering looking into how to practice with him over the longer term. I found Matt’s classes to be special for the following reasons 1) he holds a very special space in the room, which creates a certain kind of environment for practice and development that I found, for me at least, to offer a very productive mixture of independence, challenge and development. 2) As a teacher myself (an academic, so very different) what I found in Matt’s style was an ability to meet the student where they are and to gauge and respond to that in that very productive manner 3) His adjustments were really really good. I felt supported and able to progress in a supported and safe way. All teachers of course have a different adjustment style and everyone responds to that in particular ways, but I really did get a lot out of Matt’s style and know that other students felt the same. There was a lot of changing room buzz and discussion after his first few sessions as there seemed a shared sense of being invigorated by his style. 4) What I also found very interesting and productive about Matt’s style was his willingness to talk through poses and problems, this helped with understanding of the practice and poses in a way I had not experienced in the UK, but have experience practicing in other countries and with teachers who have spent a large number of years in Mysore.In short, I really enjoyed practicing with Matt and would be excited to do so again.
Even though I am not an LA resident, I have had the opportunity to practice with Matt Ryan on several occasions. Matt is knowledgeable, professional, and at the same time very easy going. I was surprised at how much my practice improved during those times, mainly because of his skill as a teacher of yoga but also because he is very motivating and positive. I always felt that Matt had MY interest at heart. Although I wasn’t a regular, he was able to pick up on my needs in my practice and intuitively adapt his teaching to me personally. I could tell that he was able to do that throughout the Mysore room and I could also feel that the other students really felt at ease with him.His adjustments are strong but never more than I could handle. Again, he seemed to know just how far I could go without pain or injury. He is professional, but also has that British humor that put me at ease.My practice has improved both physically and mentally and I credit Matt’s knowledge about the entire Ashtanga system for that. He definitely works from a place of compassion and love for this practice and I hope I can continue to practice with him on my future visits to LA.
Kim Comerford
Yoga Therapist
Matt is an amazing yoga teacher. He is really knowledgeable and his adjustments into difficult poses are the best. When starting Ashtanga 2nd series, Matt helped me overcome the anxiety and panic I felt when in Kapotasana. He would be patient and explain the pose anatomically which helped me keep calm and eventually, it even felt good to be in Kapotasana. Matt is always smiling and has such a caring and positive energy around him. If you put your full effort into your practice, he will make sure you reach your full potential.
Yoshiko Kim
College Graduate