Ashtanga Yoga Deal is ONE!

The fact that I’ve managed to stay in one place for a whole year is an achievement in and of itself but the fact that I’ve done it with the help of so many very lovely people (that’s you b.t.w) to help has made the last 12 months just , well fabulous. As the saying goes I couldn’t have done it without you.

There is a very long winded back story to all of this that I won’t bore you with now – I’ll save that for a later date. But before Ashtanga Yoga Deal opened I was set adrift in the very big ocean of ‘Yoga teachers who once were quite popular but have passed their sold out date now’ -it’s cold out there I can tell you. I was literally just about to sell my soul to the devil (start working at Amazon) when the Angels from above heard my desperate call and a studio appeared – in front of the sea , and you know I love the sea right ? So let me get this straight , I get to teach some wonderful human beings Ashtanga Yoga and Zen ( two mind and body practices that I have immersed myself in for the past 25 years which have both literally saved my life) in in this incredible small town of Deal , in front of the Sea ?! I went from thinking that somebody ‘up there’ has had ear plugs in  for the past couple of years to to daily rejoicing in the ‘life aint just peachy’!

I was gonna do a hightlights reel  type of thing but to be honest the whole thing so far has been a highlight – no lie. Before Deal I lived in Los Angeles , and as fabulous as some people would make you believe living in LA is , it isn’t really. Not by a long stretch – Deal is by far away waaaayyyyyyy cooler than LA ever could hope to be – for a start I live here so there you go nuff said. 

So Ashtanga Yoga Deal is one and counting. I keep promising to do the DJ /Yoga class – me djing (thats old school doing with technics decks and records btw) whilst  teaching a yoga class , and yes it might be a bit of dog’s dinner , but it’ll be fun – certainly fitting for a first birthday party no ? This might (or might not, depending if I can actually get myself together to plan it all out) be on Sunday  27 October , in the afternoon. 


Happy Birthday to me ! 

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